November 18, 2009
Inaugural Issue of Ski Washington Magazine
I just got this in my mailbox yesterday afternoon, the inaugural issue of Ski Washington Magazine. I’m really stoked to have landed the cover image for the first issue. This shot of Chad Wertz at Mt Baker has been one of my favorite shots for years. It just makes me want to grab my skis and head to the mountains.
Beyond having the honor of snagging the cover of the magazine, I’m also honored that the people at Ski Washington wanted to profile me as one of the “biggest names in the business”. It’s always an honor to have your work appreciated, and even more of an honor when someone wants to highlight your career and contribution to the industry.
If you’d like to read the article or if you’d like to look through the entire magazine, follow the link here to see an online version of the mag.
I’d like to give a big thanks to Karen Stebbins at Ski Washington for making all of this happen and to Crai Bower for writing the incredible article. Also, a huge thanks to all the athletes that I shot with. Chad Wertz, Kip Garre, Laura Ogden and Scott Rinkenberger… you guys RULE!!! Thanks for working with me.
April 23, 2010 at 3:19 amaha nice